Food For Family
At Love Dove’s N.E.S.T. we believe that everyone should have at least three meals a day, therefore, our staff, participants, and volunteers help to distribute food to those community members in need.
Food For Family
At Love Dove’s N.E.S.T. we believe that everyone should have at least three meals a day, therefore, our staff, participants, and volunteers help to distribute food to those community members in need.
Great Gift Givers
The Great Gift Givers program was created to help those in need feel special on birthdays and holidays. Many of our community members do not have a caring relationship with their immediate family or support from their loved ones. Love Dove’s NEST thrives off of our community knowing that we acknowledge them and care about their mental and emotional needs. Gifts are items that warm the heart and are given on various occasions. We at Love Dove’s N.E.S.T. pride ourselves on being Great Gift Givers and love giving gifts to our community family.
Talk It Out Takeover
Talk It Out Takeover is a program created to provide a space for our participants to vent, express themselves, and connect with like minds. Poetry, group therapy, various workshops, and informative sessions are a few activities that Talk It Out Takeover offers. Check back here for more information to come.
The Essential Life Skills Program is a 90-day workshop to help youth develop or strengthen their life skills that will ultimately guide them into adulthood, prepared to be successful. In the initial course, Mentality of Success, participants will be instructed on the thought process to adopt for the greatest outcome. In the second course, Practical Life Skills for Success, youth participating in the program will learn practical life skills such as banking, credit knowledge, tax preparation, resume and cover letter drafting, job interview training, critical thinking and emotional intelligence skills training, and more. Upon completion of this second component of the course, participants will feel more empowered and able to navigate life successfully. In the third and last course, Essential Hands-on Training, participants will elect their training(s) of choice process their document acquisition, increase their employability, establish their educational endeavors, create their business plans, attend a graduation ceremony and class trip, and receive their Head Start Stipend.
What are Love Dove’s N.E.S.T. Skills?
Money Management, Banking, Basic Principles of Credit and Tax preparation, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Vision Board creation and Five Year Planning and Development, and Administrative Skills for Independence are just a few essential life skills we will train our youth to understand and apply for a successful journey into adulthood and independence.